Saturday, August 29, 2009
Healthy 20-week sonogram!!
We are so thankful that "Easter" was strong and healthy at our 20-week sonogram last week. It was so special to see him/her and see that heart pumping so strong. The doctor said everything looks great! God is so faithfully knitting little Easter together in my womb. THank you all for being so interested in Easter and our pregnancy. Easter moves all of the time, and it's so fun that Daddy, Ford, and Milly can feel him moving now. Ford and Milly love to blow on my tummy and make silly sounds to make Easter laugh:) Thanks for your excitement and prayers.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Easter's "Just Hanging Out" at 12 1/2 Weeks

We were JOYFUL, proud parents today as we watched little Easter move all around the womb. Easter was showing off for Mama and Daddy at our appointment this morning. He/she was all balled up and then stretched way out, extending his legs as far as they'd go. Our doctor typed "Just Hanging Out" on the songram picture. Then Easter wanted us to see his backside, so he rolled over for us and gave us a view of his beautiful spinal cord:) Then he rolled back over so we could see his sweet profile one more time. Stephen and I both have a hunch that it's a boy, but we don't want to find out until he or she comes into the world. That is one of Stephen's favorite roles - announcing "It's a BOY." or "It's a GIRL." He was so good at that job when Milly was born that he yelled, "It's a boy!" Our doctor had to quickly say, "Try again , Stephen. That's the umbilical cord." He says that his tear-filled eyes and the pressure got in the way of his seeing clearly. Yesterday, I did the 'ole ring test and the Chinese chart for fun to see what they say Easter's gender will be, and both said, "Boy." We will be thrilled with a healthy boy or girl. We feel so excited and relieved to have seen a strong heart beat today. Easter measured 12 weeks, 6 days which is 4 days bigger than my dates say he is. So, all is well. Thank you for all of your prayers and love. Keep praying for Easter as God is "knitting him together in my womb." Psalm 139
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Healthy 8-week Heartbeat!

Thank you, God! We saw Easter's healthy heartbeat this morning! THe baby measured 8 weeks, 1 day, just as he or she should be. (Stephen and I both have a gut feeling that it's a boy. Who knows. We'll have to wait until around January 5th to find out. We both love surprises.) The doctor said everything looks strong and healthy. We head back for another sonogram on Monday, June 15th, and we'll be 11 weeks then. That would be HUGE milestone in this baby's life and ours:) Our third baby miscarried at 10 1/2 weeks, so we will really feel relieved at the 11-week sonogram to see another healthy heart beating. Thank you for your prayers and love. Of course, we are so happy and hopeful. " Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to know him.
"As surely as the sun rises, he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth."
"As surely as the sun rises, he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth."
~Hosea 6:3
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Disneyland Family Trip
Our Family Trip to Disneyland was incredible! We all 4 were "so excited." It was such a special time for us to watch Ford and Milly gaze at Mickey Mouse, to encourage them to try their first rollercoaster, to share in their joy at the festive character's parade down Main Street, and so much more. Ford's favorite was the train ride through Dinosaur Land, Milly's favorite was visiting the princesses, Mama's favorite was It's a Small World, and Daddy's was going on the rollercoaster with the kiddos. It really is a magical place.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Easter's Healthy Heartbeat
Thank you for your prayers for us and for our big appointment this past Thursday. We are thrilled that our little one has a strong and healthy heartbeat of 130 beats/minute. Our wonderful doctor said, "I am excited! Everything looks so great." Easter is 7 mm and about 7 weeks old. His/her due date should be around January 5th. What a great New Year's Gift that will be. Ford and Milly were truly excited to see Easter's first "family photo", as Dr. Dietze called the sonogram. As you can see in the pictures below, Ford and Milly have begun playing with baby dolls together a lot more. Ford even asked if he could have a baby in his tummy:) We keep telling him that he is going to be a great Daddy one day. Milly does love to play with her baby dolls, but she is also quite a mess and not so graceful as a "Mama." :)
We head back for another sonogram on Wed., May 27th at 9:30 am our time. That will really be a big milestone heartbeat, because 2 of our 4 miscarriages were right around 8 weeks, and we will be 8 1/2 weeks at that appointment. (One of our miscarriages was at 10 weeks and one at 6 weeks.) We continue to cherish your prayers and excitement. We have JOY knowing that God is in complete and utter control of our lives.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Phelan Baby #7
Yes! God has blessed us with our 7th little life. We are pregnant! We have four babies in heaven, our miracle children Ford and Milly, and now this new life in my womb. Seven is the number of perfection in the Bible:) I am only about 6 weeks pregnant. Some might wonder, "Why share so early, especially when you know you have a high chance of miscarriage with your chromosome condition (Balanced Reciprocal Translocation of the 2nd and 18th chromosomes - my chromosomes are a bit wacky, explaining my wackiness:) ) ?" On the other hand, we have grown to say, "We must share the news, because we can't walk this road alone. We need our family, friends, and community around us and praying." So, we are letting the news "out" - we are expecting!! We have had 3 blood tests for my hormone levels, and they looked great. They went from 612 to 1200 to 8816 in a span of 5 days. Yikes. That makes my short and agitated attitude more justifiable. Ha. Ha. We also have had one sonogram, and the little that Dr. Dietze could see looked good. We have another sonogram on Thursday, May 14, and we should see a heart beat by that point. Of course, we are already nervous about that appointment. Sonograms have been the source of great pain for us, but we are so thankful for all of the beautiful sonograms we had with our Milly, who is now 2 1/2 and feisty and "wacky" like her mama. Stephen and I have been nervous to engage in these 2 weeks of pregnancy because we want to avoid pain and guard our hearts. But, God has begun to lead us to embrace and enjoy this little gift in my womb. We have always given our babies little "pet names" when we've been pregnant so as to have a name to call them. It has helped us to bond with the baby in womb and to really cherish our four children once we miscarried. Our first we called Buddy, but when we found out it was a girl after she was tested following the D & C procedure, we named her Buddy Grace. Our second baby, which we never found out the sex of, we named Mary Ella after my great Aunt (Goggy's sister) Mary Ella, who died right when we miscarried. Our third we called Tiger. This was probably the hardest of all the miscarriages, not that any weren't extremely hard, because we saw Tiger's heartbeat a couple of times and even saw him wiggle his little fanny. I will never forget that special sonogram moment. I am getting a tear in my eye thinking of it now. Tiger was tested after I miscarried, and he was a boy, with chromosome abnormalities as well. His full name is Tiger Rushing Phelan, Rushing being Stephen's grandmother's last name who died right when we miscarried. Our fourth we named Wilbur Herman Phelan after Stephen's grandad Wilbur Herman Carlisle who died around the time we miscarried. We call him "God's Will." It was almost like God gave our precious babies loved ones to go Home with. We called Milly "Sibby" while she was in my womb since she was Ford's sibling. So, we came up with a name on our date this past Friday night. We are calling this baby "Easter" while it's in our womb because God gave it to us around Easter. This will not be the real name for this little one when he comes into the world:) "We just told Ford and Milly about the baby in Mama's tummy this morning, and they both have seemed to understand as much as they can about Easter. Ford said as I tucked him in tonight, "I want to hold my baby." It was a special time when they touched my tummy with Daddy and prayed for the new baby.
As I type, the song "Blessed Be Your Name" just came on Pandora. com. This song has meant a lot to us (Thanks, Janna). One line says, "When the darkness closes in, still I will say, 'Blessed be Your Name." That is tough to do, but we long to always say those words from our heart. Another line in the song that comes from the book of Job says, "You give and take away. Blessed be Your Name."
As I type, the song "Blessed Be Your Name" just came on Pandora. com. This song has meant a lot to us (Thanks, Janna). One line says, "When the darkness closes in, still I will say, 'Blessed be Your Name." That is tough to do, but we long to always say those words from our heart. Another line in the song that comes from the book of Job says, "You give and take away. Blessed be Your Name."
Job 1:21
"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised."
"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised."
That's a tough verse, because I know God doesn't cause miscarriages. Miscarriages weren't intended for the Garden of Eden that God created us for or for our true Home one day in the new heavens and new earth.
Isaiah 65
17 "'Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. 19 I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. 20 Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; 23 They will not toil in vain or bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the LORD, they and their descendants with them. 24 Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. 25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent's food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,' says the LORD." I can't wait until that day - no more tears or death! I do, however, know that God allowed our miscarriages here on earth, and I have surely wrestled with Him, thanks to my most amazing counselor, Diana, helping me learn to do this. I also know that He powerfully turns the table on the evil of miscarriage and brings about good and glory far beyond our understanding. Our 2 miracles, Ford and Milly, are proof of that. Our pastor Dick Kaufmann and his wonderful wife Liz, have wept on our shoulders with us after our miscarriages, and Dick said though tears, "The cross is proof that God can mysteriously turn the table on evil. The most evil event in all of history, the Son of God being crucified, was transformed in to the most glorious event in all of history for us who believe in Jesus as our great Savior and Friend." So, we have asked God to help us bless His Name after our four children have been "taken away" from my womb and taken to heaven early, and we surely blessed His name after we received the greatest phone call of our lives from Grace, our social worker at Bethany Christian Service, on February 9, 2006 - "A birth mother has picked your portfolio, and you have a son, and he was born YESTERDAY!" Stephen thought I had accepted some timeshare or something, because I kept saying ecstatically, "YES! YES! WE are in!! Yes. We accept. We are coming!" We also surely blessed God's Name after Milly Carlisle Phelan was born healthily on November 24, 2006. God has blessed us above or beyond what we could have ever asked for or imagined. And, He has carried us through the valleys of grief. we are again. I went to see my counselor Diana today, and I am so thankful for her life-changing words of wisdom and Truth that she shared with me today. I want to share them with you:
"Love hurts. We see that on the cross. I see a fearless boldness in the way you love that is Gospel-centered. This is evidenced in the way you have shared Ford's adoption story with him and tried to help him know his birth parents, and in all of your pregnancies. Embrace Easter. It's scary because love hurts and the outcome of this pregnancy is not a sure thing. But, God has given you little Easter, and how are you going to steward this gift? Speak to Easter's spirit because when a baby is conceived it has a spirit, and spirit communicates with spirit. Pray for all the things parents would pray for in any pregnancy. Sing over Easter.
Grief over a lost child shows that the child had an impact on you, and the grief shows respect to that child and says, 'There was a child and I entered in.' Bradford, your four miscarried children changed your life. You are a different person because of their lives. In a culture that devalues life - babies are left in dumpsters, Octomom, abortion - you can show the value of life by embracing Easter and sharing this little life with others and by nurturing its precious life in your womb. John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth's womb when he heard the news of Jesus' upcoming birth. Babies are very aware in the womb. You and Stephen are investing in a life that you are going to see in eternity one day. Imagine the day when y'all see your 4 miscarried babies in heaven. Maybe they'll relay to you how you ministered to them while they were with you in your womb. What other options do you have besides embracing Easter but backing off and distancing yourself? No. ENJOY AND INVEST in Easter. Pray for holy boldness to love this child. It's a joyful time. You are pregnant! Why not enjoy this time? Ford and Milly can even minister to their brother or sister (Ford thinks it's a boy and Milly thinks it's a girl) as they sing songs to the baby."
[Quick side note about Milly's songs that she sings: I overheard Milly today singing, "Mary Had a Little Lamb" with a new twist. "Mary had to disobey, disobey, disobey. Mary had to disobey, (and I couldn't quite understand her mumbled last verse)." She's our typical second child who pushes the limits and kinda likes to disobey Mama and Daddy.]
Back to Diana's last words from our session: "Dan Allender says that "Denial" is creating a reality of your own and asking God to bless it. "Reality" is where you are, and God is a God of reality and is there with you. We should want to be where God is now - in reality. God has been glorified in your losses, adoption, and birth and we've seen Him, and we ask that He'll be glorified in this pregnancy and that we,too, will SEE HIM."
Pray for us and Easter. We all need your prayers. Pray that God will be glorified, that we'll see more of His love. Pray that we'll have the fearless, holy boldness to love, enjoy, and invest in Easter, and that we will hold Easter come early January. Thanks for reading my first blog post. I won't always write this much:) And thank you, ERIN, for creating our Phelan Phamily Phun blog. You are so creative and we are grateful! B
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Phelan Phamily Phun
This is the first post for the Phelan Phamily just to give the general feel of the blog. B, I'm so glad you are starting a blog...makes San Diego feel so much closer! love you! e
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Virginia Grace Phelan
Disneyland Magical FUN!

Our first night at Downtown Disney

They loved the Dumbo ride.

Best Buddies


Milly bravely sat in the front with Daddy. Ford was "hands up" and Milly was "digging fingernails into Daddy's leg."

Mama and Daddy were just as excited.

Mickey was the biggest hit.

Ford and Milly kept saying, "I'm so excited!" I wonder who says that a lot around our house?

Easter's 1st Portrait (Sonogram)

"We're ready for another Phelan munchkin to join our circus!"

Proud Big Brother

Happy Big Sis (check out those wild curls after bathtime:) )

Fatherly Ford

Not-So-Motherly Milly

Ford feeding the babies lettuce and tomato