Well, it's November and I am just now getting to write about Ford and Milly's "first day of school" at their incredible school that God sooo amazingly led us to - Trinity Christian School - trinitycs.org. We could not be happier with their school and teachers. (Stephen went to Trinity in Montgomery. Ford loves that he and Daddy both are Trinity boys:) ) God has provided above and beyond what we could have asked or imagined in this school. It's incredible, an "Ebenezer" for sure. (The internet defines an Ebenezer as a "stone of help," or a reminder of God’s Real, Holy Presence and Divine aid." Love that.) We have definitely felt his divine aid and presence in this whole process. I want to document this huge milestone on our blog since this is like a family journal/scrapbook in a way. We had settled on going to a public school, when we realized how expensive the private schools are out here. We turned in our 5 "choices" for the lottery system, since our neighborhood school is so underperforming. A few weeks after we turned in our choices and released the decision to God's Sovereignty, trusting that Ford's name would be drawn for the public school best for him and our family, I "randomly" ran into the mom of one of Ford's old preschool buddies and she told me about Trinity Christian School. The next day, I found information sheets about Trinity in Ford's preschool cubby from this mom. To my surprise, under "Tuition", I read "50% Tuition Discount for full-time ordained pastors". I was stunned. God provides abundantly. This was not something we ever knew to pray for:) After touring, we knew this school was where God was leading our family. We are so thankful.
On the first day of Kindergarten, Ford woke up ready to go. Our sweet boy came out of his room all dressed and ready for school - his uniform shirt inside out and major bedhead, but we were so proud of his "big boy efforts." I wrote down some of the sweet things Ford said in the car on our drive to his first day of Kindergarten. We were all 5 packed in the car for this once-in-a-lifetime day. Ford: "Daddy, you can't stay in Kindergarten with me. It's not for big people." As Dad then pretends to weep, Ford begins to feel sorry for Daddy and pipes in, "Well, I'll ask my teachers if you can stay." He is so soft-hearted. Then Ford proceeds to say, "Dad, you might cry when you leave me. But, it's okay if you leave me Dad. I'm not scared." How great to be comforted by your own child heading into to such a big new stage. It was also precious to our ears to hear Ford and Milly talking sweetly to each other -"Let's play together on the playground at recess today." Virginia Grace was their shadow at "Meet the Teacher Day", even putting her own little purse in Ford's cubby. I love the way the school starts each day outside the classrooms saying the pledges - to the American flag, the Christian flag, and to the Bible. Ford was proudly first in his class's line for the pledges on the 1st day:) He is quite the leader and confident little guy. We just had his first Teacher-Parent conference, and his teachers - Mrs. Axe (who dresses up as the "Mad Scientist" to teach science) and Mrs. Drummond who has her masters in reading, said he is thriving. His area needing improvement was his "chattiness." They say he is just a social, active 5-year-old boy with a loud voice that he uses when he is passionate about his answer in circle time. The teachers find it actually endearing, and they said, "Maybe he will be called to be a pastor like Daddy or a missionary one day." It is precious to see Ford yelling "Hello" to almost everyone in the school, calling each student, teacher, and even other parents by name. Our dear family friend, Mamie, said recently about our "People-Loving Ford", "That is so like God - calling each person by name." His teachers said that he is loved by all of his peers, a real leader. I have spotted him many times chasing and being chased by the 1st grade girls especially - Yikes. One of my favorite school moments this fall was when Ford came home from school eager to tell me what he had learned in his science lesson about the Body. He excitedly tells me, "When you eat, your food goes down your throat, into your tummy, and then into your LARGE AND SMALL TESTAMENTS." Hysterical to us - pastor's boy mixes up the Bible and science words. Another highlight of his fall was writing his "autobiography" to share with his class. He dictated what he wanted me to write for him. He began with, "Mom and dad were so excited when they picked me up from the hospital and adopted me." We are so happy that he is confident in his adoption and that he wanted to share that with his class. We pray he will always see his adoption as such a SPECIAL, unique, beautiful part of his story. Ford LOVES learning, loves his teachers, and loves his new school friends.
Our wonderful Milly Moo is as happy and confident as I have ever seen her. Thank you God! She is one of the older ones on her Pre-Kindergarten class, and the younger girls really like to play with her. She is our introvert, quietly and intensely enjoying every school activity given to her. She tries to do precisely what her teacher says when it comes to her class work. She is focused. One day her teacher, Mrs. Murphy, told the class that they would have to write their name 4 times since they had 4 worksheets, none of which were front and back sheets (they only have to write their name once on front and back worksheets). So, Mrs. Murphy peered at Milly's sheet to find "Milly, Milly, Milly, Milly" written, as she had said, 4 times at the top of each page:) Mill Mill recently had a teachable moment when she was caught lying - her teacher found her grilled fish that I had packed in her lunchbox in the trashcan, and Milly had just told her that she had eaten it all. Lots of good character building going on in these precious early years. We have gotten off to a super blessed start at "Big School." I am going to include some pictures from our fall at Trinity. Hope you smile as you see Ford and Milly's confident, growing souls at this most precious life-giving school.
Friday, November 4, 2011
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Virginia Grace Phelan
Disneyland Magical FUN!

Our first night at Downtown Disney

They loved the Dumbo ride.

Best Buddies


Milly bravely sat in the front with Daddy. Ford was "hands up" and Milly was "digging fingernails into Daddy's leg."

Mama and Daddy were just as excited.

Mickey was the biggest hit.

Ford and Milly kept saying, "I'm so excited!" I wonder who says that a lot around our house?

Easter's 1st Portrait (Sonogram)

"We're ready for another Phelan munchkin to join our circus!"

Proud Big Brother

Happy Big Sis (check out those wild curls after bathtime:) )

Fatherly Ford

Not-So-Motherly Milly

Ford feeding the babies lettuce and tomato