Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our Three Little Rascals


Ford is our lover of BUGS and icky creatures! Yuck! He's had up to 5 or so snails on his face at once. What kind of mama lets her son cover himself with snail slime? Ford is also our social fella. He loves his neighborhood playgroup buddies. He just LOVES people in general! He's such a gift to all of us who adore him.


Milly loves to be silly with Mama. As the middle child, she cherishes her "Mama/Milly Time." We had a blast playing with shaving cream in the sink and making it "snow" by clapping our shaving cream covered hands together.

Milly is ALL GIRL and is our shyer child.
She blesses us with her compassionate heart and her contagious belly laugh. She is also becoming a fine little artist. It warmed my heart when she informed me that she had drawn a brain on her picture of me:) That'll boost a mama's confidence.


One of Virginia Grace's greatest talents currently is sleeping. She is sleeping through the night like a champ. Stephen always describes her as an angel. Our Hispanic friend calls her "muy tranquila."

She is constantly entertained by her active older brother and sister. Ford and Milly have a new nickname for her - "Gingy." They adore Gingy so much so that they rarely give her any personal space. She is a trooper. She is tough. She is our chubby JOY.


  1. Bradford! So glad to be in touch and see your beautiful family! Thank you for posting on our blog as well! We miss you all and do hope to see you in July...not sure what our plans are as of yet. We'll be in touch!

  2. this made me smile SO BIG! love you...going to fix your header now!

  3. Love this!! And I adore how Milly drew a brain in her picture of you!! Miss all 5 of you and hope to see you this summer.




Virginia Grace Phelan

Disneyland Magical FUN!

Disneyland Magical FUN!
Our first night at Downtown Disney

They loved the Dumbo ride.

Best Buddies


Milly bravely sat in the front with Daddy. Ford was "hands up" and Milly was "digging fingernails into Daddy's leg."

Mama and Daddy were just as excited.

Mickey was the biggest hit.

Ford and Milly kept saying, "I'm so excited!" I wonder who says that a lot around our house?

Easter's 1st Portrait (Sonogram)

"We're ready for another Phelan munchkin to join our circus!"

Proud Big Brother

Happy Big Sis (check out those wild curls after bathtime:) )

Fatherly Ford

Not-So-Motherly Milly

Ford feeding the babies lettuce and tomato